The gift of me: My journey of inner healing

Now as stated earlier. I haven’t written for quite a long time. Especially on such a personal level. However I believe that I owe it to God to document and share the work that he has done in my life over the past 2 years. There is a blessing in here for myself and for somebody else.

There is an old time song that I never really enjoyed especially as a child growing up. This was one of those songs that I knew once sung in church would get everybody crying and hollering.  However the words of the song now carry a much heavier meaning and have an added dimension in my life because of my personal experiences.

Shackled by a heavy burden,
‘Neath a load of guilt and shame.
Then the hand of Jesus touched me,
And now I am no longer the same.
He touched me, Oh He touched me,
And oh the joy that floods my soul!
Something happened and now I know,
He touched me and made me whole.


For years I had carried many heavy burdens. However I was blind to most of things that I carried. I had suppressed rather than managed and confronted many issues and hurts that had taken place in my life that were happily and actively eating away at me. BUT! and it’s a big but. The hand of Jesus touched me.  He took me through a two year journey of inner healing with the end result being the gift of self awareness and an appreciation for myself and all that God has ordained for me and my life. I am healed!

This leads me to assert that sometimes as children of God we can be carrying heavy burdens, put on the mask as if we are OK, but inside we are battling and struggling! But I believe that we are in a season of being stripped bare so that God can truly and thoroughly deal with us. This ‘dealing with period’ will be a MANDATORY precursor for those who aim to enter ministry, be emotionally whole members of their families and societies and those who want to be an effective witness for Christ. Our actions should stem from a place of emotional wellness.

I believe that now is the season for all the excuses to be left behind and for us to truly examine ourselves and go to those deep, dark places that we have compartmentalised and left God out of or in some cases are too afraid to confront. Examine all the hurts, the pains, the disappointments and the negative emotions that come with it and allow God to heal us.

For me it all started when I turned 30…



Time to resurrect this thing…

It’s been just over two years since I’ve last written on here. I had archived this blog in the back of my mind without any real intention of writing here again.

But I believe that now is the season for me to write and share with an increased level of openness and honesty. God has and will be glorified in my life and I believe that through this blog even at least one person’s life will be changed.

Blessings, Maz x