Why I observe the Sabbath

Man napping on porch in remote area

So today, I received a link from a fellow blogger documenting the reasons as to why Christians are not required to keep the Sabbath.

For a split second I felt somewhat reluctant to allow the comment to be posted on my blog but then I thought to myself there is nothing wrong with healthy discussion amongst the body of Christ.

Sabbath observance has been a major blessing in my life! My reasons for keeping the Sabbath started from my upbringing but then grew to a personal conviction. Reasons for this conviction are stated below.

The 7th day is blessed and holy

First let’s go back, way back… to creation.

Genesis 2: 1-3(NIV)

Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

The verse above details that after the creation was completed in 6 days God rested on the 7th day, blessed it and made it holy (highlighted). Therefore the seventh day is a blessed and holy day.

We cannot say this for Sunday or any other day.

The Sabbath was made for man

Now those that object to Sabbath observance often state that it cannot be kept according to the Mosaic ceremonial law which was a very strict regime. For example not travelling too far a distance on the Sabbath or picking up too heavy a load on that day.

However Christ came as our example to show us these requirements were unnecessary burdens when he picked the ears of corn on the Sabbath day (Mark 2:23). Christ taught at that time the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. Wonderful really.

Within the same scripture of Mark 2 Christ made the very bold statement that He was ‘Lord of the Sabbath’, hence the Sabbath day is the true Lord’s day.

The Sabbath is part of the ten commandments

Observing the 7th day Sabbath is a part of the commandments therefore should be observed.

My personal conviction is that Christians are required to observe the Ten Commandments (the law of God), all commandments not just 9.

Opposition to keeping God’s law is called antinomianism (anti = against; nomos = law). The idea that salvation by grace alone rules out the importance of obeying the law of God fails to recognize the principle that Christ’s gift of salvation is designed to bring us into accord with God’s will. Of course, it is not true that salvation is by law keeping. We receive saving grace from God when, by faith, we accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord (Eph. 2:8, 9). But such faith always results in conformity to the will of God as expressed in His law (verse 10). Paul wrote that Christ died “so that the just requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit” (Rom. 8:4).(4) If we are not obeying the law of God, we cannot claim that its righteousness is fulfilled in us. (Sabbathfellowship.org)

There are further objections to Christians being obligated to the Ten Commandments,

However Matthew 5:17 is the scripture that is most quoted in order to show that Jesus did away with the Law. However, Jesus himself said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (Matt.5:17 NIV).

Christ put flesh on the bones of the Ten Commandments, he upgraded adultery to even looking at somebody lustfully! Therefore he did not do away with the law but actually explained the true essence and meaning of God’s holy standard.

Please note: Only born again believers through the power of the Holy Spirit can have the power to observe and obey the Law of God, it cannot be achieved by human effort and is not a means of achieving salvation. Furthermore, Romans 2: 14-15 states that the Law of God is written on the hearts of those who do not even know Him. It is of no coincidence that throughout the world stealing, murdering, being disrespectful to parents, committing adultery etc are frowned upon. Even societies that have no religious beliefs uphold to these principles which show you the strength of God’s moral law and it is still in effect.

Sunday worship was instituted by the Catholic church

This is an elephant in the room that cannot be pushed aside. Papal Rome makes the following boast: “Question: Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday? Answer: We observe Sunday instead of Saturday, because the Catholic Church, in the council of Laodecea (A.D.336), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.—Peter Geiermann, The Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, sec.ed. ,1910, p.50

This video clip expounds on this a little too!


Sabbath Observance encourages physical and emotional rest

We now live in a 24/7 culture.   In recent news we hear of the corporation Amazon working their staff to the brink of depression. Demoralised staff made to feel worthless if they could not perform as robots.

What Sabbath observance does is protects us from overworking our bodies and minds. Now I’m not talking about the 28 statutory days that you are entitled to within a year (for those of us in the UK) . I’m speaking about more often than that, 1/7 days.

Now I work in the teaching profession where clocking up 50 hours+ of work is the norm. I hear of colleagues working on Saturdays and Sundays to fulfil their workload and operate on no day of rest for weeks at a time! Have I ever been tempted to give up my day of rest to work? Never! My mind is totally switched off from work and other burdens, what a privilege. God made the Sabbath for our rest and enjoyment, so go on… take a break! God knows you need it!

To conclude, the Sabbath has been a blessing in my life. It is my prayer that others would come to experience its benefits. It is not a badge of righteousness, but rather a delight. Sabbath keeping does not supersede God’s gift of salvation through Christ Jesus and I know that my Sabbath keeping does not earn my salvation it’s a part, not the pinnacle of my walk with Christ.

I hope from this blog you may be able to gain some perspective as to why myself and other Sabbatarians observe the 7th day Sabbath.

Blessings, Maz x